My name is Shane Hardin and I am running for the Texas House of Representatives. I want to be YOUR State Representative for District 93. What I mean by that is that I am not a doctor, a lawyer, or a high-paid executive. I am you. I put my pants on one leg at a time and go to work every day. I have the same problems that you do, mortgage, health care, child care, car payments, etc. I know what it is like to fill my car up with $4 a gallon gas. I know what it is like to worry about my job and the economy. Unlike most of our politicians in Austin & Washington, I am not out of touch with reality. They are so far removed from every day life, they have no idea what the true issues and concerns are. 

I Do!

The cornerstone of my campaign is Education. We absolutely have to reverse a horrible trend that is taking place in Texas in regards to education. We are treating public education in this state like it is a privledge and not a right. It is a right given to us by our state constutition. We are violating that constutition with every dime that we are robbing from our youth. I understand that we are in tough economic times and that everyone is doing more with less. But what we are doing to tomorrow's workforce is tragic. We must stop this. My goal when I get to Austin is to restore the $5.4 billion that was robbed from Texas children. I will do everything within my power to prevent this from ever happening again.

I want to be a Representative in every sense of the word. Represent


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